"The whole purpose of places like Starbucks is for people with no decision-making ability whatsoever to make six decisions just to buy one cup of coffee. Short, tall, light, dark, caf, decaf, low-fat, non-fat, etc. So people who don't know what the hell they're doing or who on earth they are, can, for only $2.95, get not just a cup of coffee but an absolutely defining sense of self: Tall! Decaf! Cappuccino!" Joe Fox , that is right Joe F-O-X , in "you've got mail"
“I don’t understand, why do people go to star bucks to get a coffee !! I can make much better coffee than this” Taruja my project mate was musing. Well she is right, I agree. Star bucks coffee is not the best I know of. Then why is that on a otherwise fine evening I went to building A to get star bucks coffee and was told they were closing. Briskly walked to building D to get there before the star bucks closes only to find they are packing up. Then took my cycle and cycled all the way to building Z and stood in the line to get that special “tall iced mocha with cream please”. I was so happy to have that on that “otherwise normal” evening. I was like that kid holding on to the first trophy he ever got in his life. :)
That is crazy. Well, that is not so hard to imagine when it comes from me. ;)
So what is the point? Why do you go to star bucks. To me Starbucks holds special memories. Each time I go there I am reminded of the beautiful time I had. Those are the times I look back in life and muse about how things change over time. They say that you don’t remember days or months or years, you remember moments. Moments like a stare you got, a kind word to you, a simple missed call which brings back so many memories to you. When I am there this is what is going through my mind, all those sweet memories. So thank you Starbucks, not for the coffee alone; but for bringing back those moments.
The whole purpose of place like starbucks is to make people feel like they are 'stars'( cos they have finally made a crucial decision Tall, mocha, with cream by the time its their turn to place the order :)) and to make 'bucks' out of it.. it may not be the best coffee in the world.. there is nothing to beat a madras-filter coffee.. but its convenient and palatable..so i thank starbucks for the coffee itself and for the convenience to get my caffiene fix when i am outside running errands or vacationing..:)
About remembering moments.. sometimes its a particular smell, a song, or a place .. they trigger those memories..its nice u have that.. am happy it takes you to your happyplace...
:) I agree suma chechi.. feels like u too experience it :)
the whole purpose of Starbucks is to make a lot of money by selling various types of coffee at ridiculuos prices, lighting up a lot of area n wasting electricity and making the youngsters (and elders) waste money! :D
But sometimes, it takes Starbucks to soothe people like Manu :P
hahah.. I like your star bucks blog. It is certainly true that it may bring back memories. Along with the monetary aspects mentioned by the fellow 'fearless voices', it is definitely the ambience, the ease that matters. I can vouch for it being a former starbucks addict. Getting someone else to make my favorite caramel machiatto with extra mocha and soy milk.. or getting a decaf latte w/ skim milk, w/ splenda but w/ some whip cream on top (as much ironic as it sounds....) is comforting.!!! In the end the comfort, ambience and that warm cozy feeling inside we get after sipping on the drink, is all we are looking for!
Au contraire I am officially off the hooks from star bucks! I have cleansed myself from being an addict. I don't crave a blueberry coffee cake or tazo chai anymore :)! Woohoo! (Added bonus- I lost 4lbs..) But your blog certainly inspired me to look up the history of Starbucks...interesting!
dai dai.. nee randu varshame aayullu avide poittu. Coffee Day / Coffee Beans marannade ?
hahahah...soo true man...i remember doin all the same desp things for my daily star bucks hot chocolate fix u know!! well for me tt was the place where we used to curse my prof!! :)
-Thotti :D
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